English Speaking Club HSE

Добро пожаловать в клуб английского языка НИУ ВШЭ! Здесь ты имеешь возможность практиковать английский в живом общении с приятными собеседниками! Ты сможешь: - повысить активный словарный запас; - выработать легкость изложения своих мыслей на английском; - тренировать грамотную речь; - улучшать произношение (англо-или американоязычное). - слушать других и гармонично "вливаться" в дискуссию; - знакомиться и весело проводить время! Встреча проходит в мини-группах не более 6 человек, а также в парах. Тем самым, создается эффективное пространство для обсуждения. В роли ведущего выступает Константин Кузнецов, выпускник НИУ ВШЭ и профессиональный преподаватель английского языка. Он проходил обучение в San Diego State University и стажировку в отделе продаж в США в 2016-2017 гг, весной 2015 года сдал экзамен TOEFL IBT на высоком уровне. В октябре 2017 успешно завершил корпоративный проект по обучению английскому языку для компании "Билайн". На данный момент является частным преподавателем, сотрудничающим с несколькими школами английского языка в Москве. Дискуссионные встречи. - Занятие состоит из 3-6 тематических вопросов, которые задают главные направления дискуссии. В то же время, по ходу обсуждения мы можем поговорить и о смежных темах, которые интересны всем участникам. В процессе все участники знакомятся друг с другом, а также выполняют разминочные упражения на расширение словарного запаса. Игры. Играем на английском в любимые настольные игры (мафия, алиас и другие). Кино. Смотрим и обсуждаем интересные фильмы на английском с английскими субтитрами. ____________________________________ Ты получаешь опыт общения на живом английском языке, расширяешь свой словарный запас, выучиваешь новые фразы, получаешь обратную связь по грамматике. А еще знакомишься с новыми людьми, которым тоже интересен английский! Количество мест, в силу формата, ограничено. Следи за анонсами и успевай зарегистрироваться! Встречи клуба проводятся в новом здании НИУ ВШЭ по адресу Мясницкая, 9/11. Welcome to English speaking club of Higher School of Economics! You will: - use your vocabulary more effectively; - express yourself; - meet new interesting people Join the club and have fun!


30 декабря 2022 c 18:30 до 20:00, 723 дня назад

Как обычно, встречаемся и практикуем разговорный английский язык в неформальной обстановке! В этот раз обсуждаем тему "New Year. Are you ready to make changes?" полностью на английском: Is New Year your favorite holiday? Why? What activities do you prefer during New Year's holidays? Is it worth going out of town? Have you ever celebrated New Year in a warm country? What was it like? Would you like to do it? Do you make New Year's resolutions? What about next year? And much more!


24 декабря 2022 c 18:30 до 20:00, 729 дней назад

Как обычно, встречаемся и практикуем разговорный английский язык в неформальной обстановке! В этот раз обсуждаем тему "Christmas and public holidays. How do you celebrate?" полностью на английском: What are your favorite public holidays? How do you prefer to celebrate them? Describe the last celebration that you enjoyed. What was happening? Do you celebrate Christmas? What food do you prefer to eat on this holiday? What kinds of presents are you going to make this year? And much more!


17 декабря 2022 c 18:30 до 20:00, 736 дней назад

Как обычно, встречаемся и практикуем разговорный английский язык в неформальной обстановке! В этот раз обсуждаем тему "Leading and being led. What do you prefer?" полностью на английском: Do you prefer to lead other people or be led? What makes a person a good leader? Describe a situation when you led someone. What was it like? Would you consider working with a coach or becoming one? Why? Where might the skills of leadership help you in life? And much more!


10 декабря 2022 c 18:30 до 20:00, 743 дня назад

Как обычно, встречаемся и практикуем разговорный английский язык в неформальной обстановке! В этот раз обсуждаем тему "Being productive. What boosts your performance?" полностью на английском: Are you a productive person? What helps you be productive? Remember how you got into a productive state last time. What helped you? What food, drinks, or other supplements could you use for being more productive? What have you tried? Can laughter make you more effective? And much more!


3 декабря 2022 c 18:30 до 20:00, 750 дней назад

Как обычно, встречаемся и практикуем разговорный английский язык в неформальной обстановке! В этот раз обсуждаем тему "What is the most important for you now?" полностью на английском: What are the main challenges for you to resolve now? How can leaving your comfort zone help you in life? Have you heard of Maslow's pyramid of needs? Do you agree with it? Where would you like to be in 5 years time? And much more!


26 ноября 2022 c 18:30 до 20:00, 757 дней назад

Как обычно, встречаемся и практикуем разговорный английский язык в неформальной обстановке! В этот раз обсуждаем тему "Exciting events. Do you go out much?" полностью на английском: What kinds of social events do you prefer? What makes you want to join? Describe an event you visited recently and enjoyed. What made it cool for you? Do you prefer to take an active part in events or observe? Why? What is an event that you are waiting for right now? And much more!


19 ноября 2022 c 18:30 до 20:00, 764 дня назад

Как обычно, встречаемся и практикуем разговорный английский язык в неформальной обстановке! В этот раз обсуждаем тему "Active lifestyle. Do you have it?" полностью на английском: Are you an active person? What makes you feel active / not active? Are you keen on any sports? Do you prefer to do or watch it? Are you a sociable person? Do you/ did you used to be a member of any organizations? Do you prefer an active lifestyle while traveling? And much more!


12 ноября 2022 c 18:30 до 20:00, 771 день назад

Как обычно, встречаемся и практикуем разговорный английский язык в неформальной обстановке! В этот раз обсуждаем тему "Being mysterious. Does it help in life?" полностью на английском: Are you a mysterious person? What makes a person mysterious? Do you think mysterious people are more attractive? Why? Tell the others about a situation when you had an ace up your sleeve. What happened? When is it important to be direct? And much more!


5 ноября 2022 c 18:30 до 20:00, 778 дней назад

Как обычно, встречаемся и практикуем разговорный английский язык в неформальной обстановке! В этот раз обсуждаем тему "News and newspapers. Do you follow media" полностью на английском: Is it important to follow the media? Do you tend to read, listen or watch the news? How often do you check the news? What are reliable sources for you? Do newspapers become obsolete? What are the alternatives? Have you ever been interested in tabloid news? What is interesting about journalism? And much more!


28 декабря c 18:30 до 20:00, через 6 дней

How did you celebrate New Year last year? Was it different from previous years? What is the most memorable New Year celebration you’ve ever had? Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution that you successfully kept? What was it? What is a New Year’s resolution you regret not following through on? Do you have any special traditions you always include in your New Year celebration? How do you usually feel on New Year’s Eve—excited, nostalgic, or something else? Why?


21 декабря c 18:30 до 20:00, вчера

What’s the most valuable thing you own, and why does it mean so much to you? Can something intangible, like a memory or skill, be more valuable than money? Why? How do you decide what is worth keeping in your life? What lessons have you learned from losing something valuable? Do people in your culture value material things more than experiences? If you could only save one possession, what would it be and why?


14 декабря c 18:30 до 20:00, 8 дней назад

What is the biggest opportunity you’ve had in your life, and how did you make the most of it? Do you think people create their own opportunities, or is it mostly luck? Why? Can missing an opportunity ever lead to something better in the long run? Share examples. How can language skills open up new opportunities in life or work? What role do networking and connections play in finding opportunities? Have you ever turned a small chance into a big opportunity? How did you do it?


7 декабря c 18:30 до 20:00, 15 дней назад

Have you ever started learning a new skill or subject from scratch? What was it, and why did you decide to learn it? What do you find most challenging about starting something new? How do you overcome it? Do you prefer to learn through classes, online resources, or by teaching yourself? Why? What advice would you give someone who feels overwhelmed when beginning a new skill? Can you think of a situation where learning from scratch changed your life? What motivates you to learn smth difficult?


30 ноября c 18:30 до 20:00, 22 дня назад

What is your favorite comedy movie or TV show, and why do you enjoy it? Do you think humor changes from country to country? Can you share an example? Who is your favorite comedian or actor known for humor, and what makes them funny to you? What types of jokes do you enjoy the most (e.g., puns, satire, slapstick)? Why? Can you describe a funny moment in your life that you’ll never forget? Do you think humor is important in everyday life? Why or why not?


23 ноября c 18:30 до 20:00, 29 дней назад

What’s your favorite activity to enjoy during winter, and why? How do you prepare for winter? Do you like the cold or prefer to stay indoors? Describe your perfect winter day. What would it include? What are some popular winter traditions or holidays in your country? Have you ever traveled to a snowy place? How did you spend your time there? Do you think winter activities are more fun than summer ones? Why or why not?


16 ноября c 18:30 до 20:00, 36 дней назад

What’s something you’re eagerly anticipating right now? Why does it excite you? Do you think that anticipating events is better than the actual experience? Why or why not? What’s a moment you anticipated that didn’t go as expected? How did you feel about it afterward? How do you deal with the feeling of impatience when waiting for something important? Has anticipating something ever changed your behavior? How? Do you believe that some people enjoy anticipation more than others?


9 ноября c 18:30 до 20:00, 43 дня назад

What activities or situations make it hardest for you to concentrate? How do you handle distractions? How do you think social media and technology impact our ability to concentrate? Have you found any techniques that really help you focus better? Share your favorite concentration strategies. Do you believe some people are naturally better at concentrating, or is it something everyone can improve? How do you feel your focus has changed over time?Was it easier to concentrate when you were younger?


2 ноября c 18:30 до 20:00, 50 дней назад

What are your go-to methods for dealing with tiredness during a busy day? How does tiredness affect your mood and productivity? Is there a difference between physical and mental tiredness for you? How do you handle each? How much sleep do you think is ideal for you, and do you usually get it? Do you think our society glorifies overworking? Why or why not? What role does diet or exercise play in how energetic or tired you feel?


26 октября c 18:30 до 20:00, 57 дней назад

How do you prioritize your responsibilities when you have multiple tasks? What is one responsibility you’ve had that changed your life significantly? Do you think responsibilities get easier or harder as you grow older? Why? How do you handle the stress that comes with big responsibilities? Can responsibility be shared, or is it something personal? Give examples. What are the pros and cons of having fewer responsibilities?


19 октября c 18:30 до 20:00, 64 дня назад

How do you define life satisfaction? What factors do you think are most important for a satisfying life? Can money buy life satisfaction? How has your view on life satisfaction changed over time? What daily habits contribute to your happiness? Do you believe happiness is a choice? Why or why not?
